Our conventions are a fun, friendly and casual setting for willow collectors to annually gather and share their interest in the pattern. Typically the convention lasts 3 to 4 days, depending on the year and location, and is held in various cities in the U.S. (usually within the eastern half).
Individuals must be a dues-paying member of the International Willow Collectors club to attend conventions. Guests of members do not have to be a member to attend.
Traditional events include:
Show & Tell - Typically held during the opening reception, show & tell is always a favorite. All attendees are invited to bring examples of willow to share.
Lectures - Lectures are given on various willow topics by members of our group.
The Grand Sale - Dealers set up tables filled with a variety of willow items for purchase.
Auction - Attendees consign auction items to be sold at this live event. 80% of the selling price goes to the consignor, 20% is retained by IWC. Reserves are allowed and donations are always appreciated.
Flea Market - Sellers set up tables to sell willow items that are $30 or less.
The Pavilion - A special showcase featuring collectors who set up displays of their collection.
Craft Sessions - These sessions allow attendees to make small willow items to take home.
Raffle - Throughout the event attendees can buy tickets for the chance to win donated willow items.
Business Meeting - Although we always have a lot of fun, we still have to take care of business. Here members discuss current topics and make plans for what lies ahead.
Banquet - In addition to any meals served during the convention, the final night features a dinner banquet for all to enjoy, and to celebrate the end of another convention.
Pre-Convention Tour - There is usually an optional tour arranged in the area where the convention is being held. It is scheduled before the convention starts and is a great way to see and explore some of the local interests. There is a separate fee for this event.
Convention events can vary, but they will be outlined in the registration packet available in the spring of each year.
As with all our conventions, attendees should expect to see a lot of great and unusual willow, learn more about our pattern and have several opportunities to buy willow for their collection. You'll also meet other willow collectors from across the U.S. and around the world.
We hope you’ll make plans to join us at our next convention.